In 2025 Got To Get Out recieved funding for it’s very own program called ‘Ride it Keep It’, with huge thanks to the Auckland Council Climate Grant.
The kaupapa (mission) of this project is to get people riding to reduce carbon emissions, and divert bikes out of landfill or scrap.
Got To Get Out staff and volunteers fix bikes at a purpose-built “Got To Get Out Workshop” inside the Zero Waste Hub (Wairau, Glenfield).
Thanks to this grant, hundreds of our repaired bikes will be gifted to people for their transport, schooling, fitness, and wellbeing.
The recipients of the bikes may be those who cannot afford or don’t have access to a bike.
About the fund:
Auckland Council has approved funding to support 11 community-led initiatives addressing climate change projects from sustainable water infrastructure to increasing access to bikes.
This Auckland Climate Grant programme, established in 2021, is part of Te Tāruke-ā-Tāwhiri: Auckland’s Climate Plan and is funded through the Long-term Plan 2024-2034 by the climate investment package and general rates.
The grant is designed to support community-led climate action and focuses on projects that reduce greenhouse gas emissions, build resilience to climate impacts, and support Māori-led climate responses.
Other successful programs span critical areas, including transport, energy, food systems, and Māori-led initiative.
The Auckland Climate Grant plays a vital role in removing barriers and supporting grassroots efforts to combat climate change and build resilience, reaffirming the council’s commitment to Te Tāruke-ā-Tāwhiri and the well-being of future generations.
Get involved?
Got To Get Out is now seeking donated bikes for recycling (dropped off or pickup possible), and referrals to community groups or people who need a repaired bike.
Contact: Robert@gottogetout.com // 021 238 7758

The mission of this project:
- Help reduce greenhouse gas emissions for Auckland,
- Build community resilience to climate impacts,
- Keep hundreds of bikes out of landfill,
- Divert 4 or more tonnes of waste from scrap metal or landfill,
- Get the Community active!
The behaviour change we are seeking is:
- attendees who chose to bike instead of drive, thanks to their free bike,
- attendees who gain the skills to repair their own bike rather than throw it away, or buy new,
- changes in perception about used / second hand bikes.

How to help!
We are seeking donated bikes for repair:
Ideally you will send a photo first, to confirm the bike ‘can be saved’ and/or has parts we may need.
Rusty, broken, not working, flat tires, this is all fine! But some bikes are ‘too far gone’ or not what we are looking for. Usually, little kids bikes (under 20inch) are not needed thanks.
Please refer people or groups needing a bike:
We are seeking people who have #gottogetout on a bike, and need one. Please get in touch!
These people may be eligilble for a free bike thanks to this project.
In particular, if someone drives regularly but would consider riding some of their journeys instead.
We will shortly be hosting free community events, where people can ‘ride it and keep it’ after the event. Watch our Eventbrite for details!
Volunteer in the Got To Get Out Workshop:
We are seeking volunteers in our workshop to help cleaning and fixing bikes.
No prior experience needed, though it helps if you like bikes or are already a rider.
Volunteering with Got To Get Out is a great learning experience and the chance to upskill and start fixing bikes yourself too.

For all of the above, contact Robert@gottogetout.com
Project Proudly supported by