Got To Get Out has a mission, to get people outdoors and active, and also to divert waste from landfill.
One of our major projects since 2023 has been to save, restore, and reuse unwanted bikes and other outdoor equipment which are ‘end of life’. We want to encourage people to get outdoors, using quality refurbished outdoor gear.
Got to get out believes it’s important for the environment to recycle bikes and outdoor equipment to keep them in use, and encouraging people to reuse instead of always buying brand new. Below you can learn all about the Got To Get Out workshop

GTGO staff and regular amazing volunteers give up their time to fix bikes in a dedicated bike workshop, in Glenfield Auckland.
The “Got To Get Out Workshop” is adjacent to a large Zero Waste recycling center where bikes are donated or thrown out, and Got To Get Out helps divert these from scrap metal or landfill.
All of the bikes here are thoroughly cleaned, lubed, adjusted, serviced, and test ridden ready for sales in the community cheaply.

#Got To Fix Bikes
Ready to #gottofixbikes and help us get bikes to the community? We’re aiming to gift hundreds of bikes this year, and we need your help! Whether you’re cleaning, stripping, or fixing bikes, there’s a task for everyone. All tools, gear, and guidance provided!
Come join us at the GTGO workshop in Glenfield, learn some bike skills, and help make a difference!
CLICK HERE for more information.