How hard will this trip be?

Got To Get Out takes health and safety seriously, we ask all attendees to acknowledge that they understand:
  • The risks of the activity
  • How hard it will be
  • What level of fitness is required
  • What gear is required
One measure of the ‘hardness’ of a hike is the Department of Conservation’s track difficulty measure, which is listed on their website.
Please read this useful information before attending any of our trips, to get a clear understanding of how hard a trip might be.
Other ways to find out the difficulty of the trip (before departure day) are:
  • Reading about the exact trip online
  • Posting a comment on the event page, asking for input and ideas
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Easiest: Easy access short walk

Duration: Easy walking for up to an hour.

Suitable for: People of all abilities, wheelchairs, buggies and strollers.

Standard: Even surface, well formed with no steps or steep sections. Stream and rivers are bridged.

Footwear required: Walking shoes.

Typical tracks: Cape Reinga Lighthouse Walk | Milford Foreshore Walk

Easy: Walking track

Duration: Gentle walking from a few minutes to a day.

Suitable for: People with low to moderate fitness and abilities. Some tracks suitable for mountain biking.

Standard: Track is mostly well formed, some sections may be steep, rough or muddy. Clearly signposted. Stream and river crossings are bridged.

Footwear required: Walking shoes or light tramping/hiking boots.

Find walks in the ‘Easy’ category

Typical tracks: Arthur’s Pass Walking Track | Orongorongo Track

Intermediate: Great Walk/Easier tramping track

Duration: Comfortable multi-day tramping/hiking

Suitable for: People with limited backcountry (remote area) experience. Some tracks suitable for mountain biking.

Standard: Track is generally well formed, some sections may be rough, muddy or steep. Track has signs, poles or markers. Major stream and river crossings are bridged.

Footwear required: Light tramping/hiking boots.

Find walks in the ‘Intermediate’ category

Typical tracks: Tongariro Northern Circuit | Lake Daniell Track

Advanced: Tramping track

Duration: Challenging day or multi-day tramping/hiking

Suitable for: People with moderate to high level backcountry (remote areas) skills and experience, navigation and survival skills required. Some tracks suitable for mountain biking.

Standard: Track is mostly unformed, may be rough and steep. Track has markers, poles or rock cairns. Expect unbridged stream and river crossings.

Footwear required: Tramping/hiking boots.

Find walks in the ‘Advanced’ category

Typical tracks: Kapakapanui Track | Inland Track

Expert: Route

Duration: Challenging overnight tramping/hiking.

Suitable for: People with high level backcountry (remote areas) skills and experience, navigation and survival skills required. Complete self sufficiency required.

Standard: Track unformed and natural, may be rough, muddy or very steep. Track has markers, poles or rock cairns. Expect unbridged stream and river crossings.

Footwear required: Sturdy tramping/hiking boots.

Find walks in the ‘Expert’ category

Typical tracks: Three Passes Route | Tararua Northern Crossing


Easiest: Grade 1

Standard: Fairly flat, wide, smooth track or gravel road.

Typical tracks: Hakarimata Rail Trail | Karangahake Gorge Historic Walkway

Easy: Grade 2

Standard: Mostly flat with some gentle climbs on smooth track with easily avoidable obstacles such as rocks and potholes.

Typical tracks: Mahinapua Walkway | Lake Hayes Walkway

Intermediate: Grade 3

Standard: Steep slopes and/or avoidable obstacles possibly on narrow track and/or with poor traction. There may be exposure at the track’s outside edge.

Typical tracks: St James Cycle Trail

Advanced: Grade 4

Standard: A mixture of long, steep climbs, narrow track, poor traction and obstacles that are difficult to avoid or jump over. Generally exposed at the track’s outside edge. Most riders will find some sections easier to walk.

Typical tracks: Grandview Mountain Track | Nydia Track

Expert: Grade 5

Standard: Technically challenging. Giant climbs, narrow track and numerous hazards including dangerous drop-offs, sharp corners and difficult obstacles. Expect walking and possibly bike carrying.

Typical tracks: Hatupatu Trail | Melina Ridge Track